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The 2017 hurricane season has made a devastating impact on the United States. Between hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Maria the United States will be trying to recover for many years to come. With the advanced warning systems in place today, there is plenty of time to prepare. But sometimes no matter how much a community prepares, disaster still strikes and food safety becomes a serious issue.

It can take days in some instances for help to arrive with necessary resources such as drinking water and food. With power outages and severe flooding, food items can quickly become contaminated and hazardous if consumed. There are a number of food safety tips set forth by the USDA.  


Food Safety Tips for Before the Loss of Power

With today’s technology, there is ample warning before a hurricane potentially makes landfall. This gives plenty of time to prepare a week or more in advance. Do not wait until the last minute because resources become limited and hard to find. It is best to prepare for the loss of power long before it happens. There are a number of food safety tips that can help mitigate this situation including:

  1. Fill containers with water and fill empty freezer space. A full freezer will hold food at safe temperatures for about 2 days. A day before the hurricane is expected to make landfall, take some of the frozen containers of water and put them in coolers and in the refrigerator. Fill more containers to replace the ones taken from the freezer. Not only are these frozen containers going to keep food at a safe temperature for a longer amount of time, but they can also serve as drinking water if necessary.
  2. Keep appliance thermometers in the freezer and fridge. The thermometers will indicate the temperature within the refrigerator and freezer, and tell if the food is safe to eat. A freezer should be below 0 F and a refrigerator should be below 40F.
  3.  Freeze refrigerated foods. Freezing refrigerated foods that are not going to be immediately used such as left overs, milk, and fresh meat will keep these items at a safe temperature for a longer amount of time.
Hits: 1934

BioClean Technologies is a bio scientific, engineering services, and manufacturing company headquartered in Laguna Niguel, California that produces green and biodegradable industrial cleaning products worldwide.  BioClean was founded with the idea that cleaners should be powerful and effective without compromising health or harming the environment.  The technology behind green cleaning products started decades ago, but BioClean Technologies has used recent advances in the biomolecular field to refine their products to what they are today.  The company continues to perform biochemical research and analysis in an effort to ultimately replace all commercial cleaning products with eco-friendly solutions that are just as effective as their less environmentally friendly counterparts.  All of BioClean Technologies’ products are 100% eco-friendly and have perfect ratings of zero for the Material Safety Data Sheet ("MSDS") Hazard Rating categories of Health, Fire, Reactivity, and Special.  Surely no traditional cleaning product can make that claim!

Unfortunately, eco-friendly cleaners generally have a reputation of not being as powerful or effective as their traditional counterparts.  However, BioClean Technologies has made such chemical advances with their products that they can’t even be compared to earlier environmentally friendly products.  Using advanced chemistry and custom design and development of chemical reagents, the products BioClean Technologies has created provides unique chemical reactions that create a far more effective commercial green cleaning product compared to regular cleaners and degreasers.  Not only can BioClean Technologies boast about the effectiveness of their line of products, they can also be proud of the fact that they are completely safe, using all natural ingredients that are on the NSF, DfE and CleanGredient list.  This means no special storage requirements or training is needed and the product is also completely sustainable.  They contain no VOC’s and operate at a normal pH – which means they’re safe to handle and easy to use and dispose of.  If the price conscious business is worried, rest assured - BioClean Technologies’ products are competitively priced with traditional, non-green products so the end user doesn’t pay more in order to be environmentally friendly. 

BioClean Technologies offers a variety of eco-friendly industrial cleaning chemicals for any situation or application.

For cleaning floors and countertops, BioClean Technologies offers their Industrial All-Purpose Cleaner and Degreaser.  Suitable for any application, this heavy duty cleaner and degreaser can be used for everything from light janitorial services to larger institutional services or even government uses.  In any business, it is important to maintain a clean, safe work environment.  BioClean Technologies’ all-purpose cleaner meets expectations and leaves out the negative repercussions and hazardous materials associated with traditional cleaners.

In more industrial environments, a stronger product is required.  BioClean Technologies has a Heavy Oil Degreaser and parts cleaner ideal for manufacturing, automotive, oil, gas, and construction environments.  It makes cleaning and degreasing construction site machinery easy and efficient.  This product cleans and degreases in one step, saving workers time and energy.  It is safe to use on everything from tough grime under the hood of vehicles to expensive leather seats.  With BioClean Technologies’ Heavy Oil Degreaser for Industrial Oil, Parts and Lubricant Degreaser, any industrial workplace can be 100% eco-friendly and make cleaning safer for employees without compromising on cleanliness or performance.

BioClean Technologies also has a product designed with restaurants and food processing facilities in mind.  Their Restaurant and Food Processing Cleaner and Degreaser is especially designed to be safe around food.  As a clean dining experience is key to any restaurant’s reputation and rating, effective cleaners are highly important.  If bacteria are present, hazards to food can potentially cause health problems for patrons.  BioClean Technologies’ Restaurant and Food Processing Cleaner and Degreaser is the perfect solution.  The product is completely odorless and will completely sanitize any food preparation equipment, hoods, stoves, grills, and prep area, while being completely safe to use around food and in food processing environments due to its organic composition.

For medical environments and the health industry, Hospital Acquired Infections (HAI) are always a concern.  In order to combat transmission, a scrupulous cleaning regiment is required.  Even if a cleaning regimen is strictly followed, it won’t do any good if the cleaners and sanitizers used aren’t up to standard.  BioClean Technologies’ Anti-Bacterial Cleaner and Sanitizer measures up to traditional cleaners and is especially designed to prevent Hospital Acquired Infections (HAI) from spreading.  It is perfect for hospitals, doctor’s offices, senior living facilities or any other medical facility that is looking to “go green” while still maintaining highly clean environments that will minimize the transmission of infections.

BioClean Technologies is a leader in the green cleaner industry, researching and testing chemical production methods and producing safe and effective commercial cleaning products for a variety of workplaces that will not harm the environment or the users of its products.  The company continues to develop new products and technology to improve cleaning performance along with being environmentally friendly.

BioClean Technologies’ website can be found at  For general inquiries, a representative can be contacted by phone at 1-866-499-1157.  Contact can be made through the email form provided on the website, or by the addresses provided below.  The address for BioClean Technologies’ Headquarters is:

30262 Crown Valley Parkway,

Suite B518 Laguna Niguel, CA 92677

For specific inquires, the contact information is:

SALES - Michael Duhs - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (949) 939-8352

CUSTOMER SERVICE - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

MARKETING & ADVERTISING - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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ACCOUNTING - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

OPERATIONS - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Hits: 4180

BioClean’s commercial cleaning products have demonstrated a strong fit within the restaurant, hotel, and food-processing environment. A kitchen with lackluster cleaning standards can smudge a great reputation and ruin a business: thus, cleanliness is of utmost importance. Maintaining cleanliness while ensuring that none of the cleaning products enters the food can prove to be difficult. BioClean Technologies has solved the problem by offering products that meet and exceed health and food code standards while still being safe to humans because of the products organic nature. Our commercial green cleaning products clean well and are safe for humans and animals. This is something a majority of our competition cannot promise. Our technology will continue to improve and our prices remain competitive as compared to our non-eco-friendly competitors. We seek to benefit our customers and the world.

Our effective cleaning products maintain safety not only for the workers, companies, and institutions that use them but for the environment that all of us so heavily rely on. We prevent inefficiencies, outbreaks, safety hazards, and most importantly are the first step towards a more ecologically safe economy that will render our economy a strong economy for generations.

Learn more about the ways BioClean’s commercial green cleaning products can clean and degrease your work environment by discovering all of the applications of our cleaning products.

Hits: 3455

BioClean Technologies originated with products meant to clean oil spills in an eco-friendly manner but now our technology has begun to improve and expand into other industries. Our industrial green cleaning products are ideal for counter-tops, floors, and surfaces. Spanning several industries, our industrial cleaning products and chemicals can handle and maintain the same mandatory regulations standards in institutions such as government, construction and other industrial areas that require a clean and safe work area, free from hazardous bacteria. Another one of our industrial products is the heavy oil industrial degreaser. Deploying our parts washer solvent in a parts cleaner, which will not only clean parts but will keep machinery clean and will prove to be more than effective. This product cleans and removes the harmful gunk on parts and helps create inefficiencies within machines and other hardware, expanding equipments lifetime and increasing efficiency. Perfect for industries such as construction, automotive and manufacturing that requires safe and quality performance for workers. BioClean Technologies industrial cleaning products, chemicals, and suppliesprovide services that match the quality of our competitors while being safe for the environment. Utilizing our products is necessary for a bright future creating economic benefits for users.

Have you tried BioClean’s industrial cleaning and degreasing products? Contact BioClean today to discover how you can keep your equipment clean and degreased without compromising the health of your workers or the safety of the work environment.

Hits: 3673

Placing a price on clean water, topsoil, and natural ecologies were previously thought as externalities: costs considered unnecessary and not worth consideration by a majority of economists and professionals until today. In our ever increasing and interconnected global economy it becomes unmistakably clear that our world’s economies are heavily dependent on each other and on our natural resources. Our environment naturally filters water, pollinates plants, provides topsoil and manure for free that would otherwise cost us a fortune and render our economies immobile.

We at BioClean technologies are true to the nature of clairvoyants. We see the potential for a tremendous market for commercial green cleaning products that has only begun to take hold. Products that are eco-friendly and can clean just as well as the synthetic and ecologically harmful cleaners are the way of the future. Protecting our resources is vital for a healthy economy and we believe that we are ahead of the curve in terms of regulations that will soon become a requirement in order to protect our economies in the long run. The goal of BioClean technologies is to someday replace all non eco-friendly products. With the use of our products our customers will witness that we are not far off from that future.

We at BioClean Technologies have sought after powerful commercial and industrial green cleaners and commercial and industrial degreasers that are eco-friendly and non-compromising in their ability to clean thoroughly, with the same bacteria fighting and degreasing standard as our competitors. There is a stigma surrounding green products that “they do not work as well,” we at BioClean Technologies are demonstrating that the stigma is dissipating under the power of our products and their ability to get the job done while being green. Reflecting our ability to clean while maintaining quality and eco safe products, our goal for each and every product is a perfect zero rating on the MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet). These products contain no VOC’s and operate in a normal pH rendering them safe to use, to move, and require little to no storage requirements.

BioClean products are used within the commercial and industrial cleaning products market and are matching our competitors with ease. The way our products work is also the reason why they are safe to use. Utilizing products such as plant extracts, sequestrants, surfactants, and hyper wetting agents allow our products to not only be extremely effective but also eco-friendly. The only side effect of using our products is that customers save time, energy, and money by utilizing products that are effective, safe, and cause no harm to the environment. BioClean Technologies easily beats what our competitors have to offer in the industrial and commercial green cleaning products market.

Hits: 3763

A growing number of less-toxic industrial cleaning products are now available both in stores and online. But due to the fact that manufacturers are not required to list all of their ingredients, unless they are active disinfectants or known to be potentially hazardous, it can be a challenge for consumers to find the least-toxic formulations.

Your best defense is to carefully read and understand the label warnings on commercial and industrial cleaning supplies, which can be challenging. All industrial and commercial cleaners that contain known hazardous chemicals must carry a warning label that spells out potential risks, along with precautionary steps and first-aid instructions.
In general, the more serious the safety warning on a product, the more likely that it poses risks to your health and the environment. Products labeled "Poison" or "Danger" are likely to be more toxic than those labeled "Warning" or "Caution."

It is important for anyone purchasing industrial cleaning products such as parts cleaners to know the various terminology used on labels. If a product is labeled "Danger" it will be corrosive, extremely flammable, highly toxic, or poisonous. Commercial and industrial degreaser often bear this label. "Caution" or "Warning" are catchall terms for many other hazards, so consumers are advised to scan for specifics such as "Vapor harmful," "Causes burns," or "May be fatal or cause blindness if swallowed." Products bearing the label "Irritants" will cause injury or inflammation on contact, whereas "Corrosives" refers to chemicals that destroy tissue. "Sensitizers" are ingredients that can cause allergic reactions and chronic adverse health effects that become evident only after continuing exposures. “Chronic Health Hazards" may include effects ranging from sterility and birth defects to cancer.

Many industrial cleaning products will also carry claims about the safety of their products on health and the environment. It is often the case, however, that these claims are not independently verified or regulated.

For example, if a product claims to be non-toxic, it implies that the product will cause no harm to the environment or the consumer. There is currently no standard industry definition for the term “non-toxic” and unless stated otherwise, there is no organization verifying the claim. Likewise, many heavy duty cleaners, degreasers, parts cleaners, solvents etc will claim to be “natural.” Again, there is no industry standard so manufacturers can use the term as they please. It is no guarantee that the product will be completely safe. For example, even natural ingredients such as lemon juice can cause irritation if they get into the eyes. Other similar terms that lack definitions are “eco-friendly”, “green” and “biodegradable” which although does have some useful meaning, is only loosely defined by the federal government.

When purchasing commercial and industrial cleaning products, always check the ingredients list. With that said, manufacturers are not required to list every ingredient that is in their products, and unlike the food industry, the ingredients are not always listed in the order according to the relative amounts of the individual ingredients. Although not every ingredient may be listed, it is a requirement that companies list any harmful or hazardous ingredients.

Anyone with concerns about specific ingredients within a cleaning product is advised to call the company that manufactures the product. The name and address must be listed on all household and industrial cleaners, degreasers and solvents so that consumers are able to contact them with any questions, comments or concerns. Consumers can also request a material safety data sheet (MSDS) which contains information on the more toxic ingredients or formulations used.

Manufacturers may also post MSDS reports on their Web sites. Consumers can search for safety information on brand-specific products and their ingredients by visiting a government website. There is a governmental guide that includes the potential health effects of more than 2,000 ingredients contained in 6,000 common household products.
Play it safe. Whether using commercial or industrial cleaners, it’s important to follow safety precautions. Users should avoid splashing industrial cleaners on their skin or face and check labels to see if respiratory masks, rubber gloves, goggles, or other protective measures are recommended.
People with heart or lung disease and pregnant women should try to avoid products that contain chemical solvents. And since contact lenses can absorb vapors and hold them against the eye, causing irritation or eye damage, anyone who normally wears contacts should remove them and put on eyeglasses before handling such products. If the heavy duty cleaner, degreaser, parts washer, solvent or other industrial cleaning product causes irritation to the nose, eyes and/or lungs, it is highly advisable that the person stops using them immediately. Finally, anyone diluting an industrial cleaner should be sure to clearly label their products, and keep all cleaners out of reach of those not given permission to use the products.

Here are some more tips on using commercial cleaning products:


  • An All-Purpose industrial cleaners often cost less. A multifunctional industrial cleaner will almost always save you money, since you won’t be paying for several products. One industrial all-purpose cleaner can work for many projects.
  • Using fewer cleaners can save money. Try to find one or two cleaners that can effectively clean a variety of surfaces. You’ll not only be able to save money and space, you’ll also cut down on packaging waste.
  • Buying larger sizes tends to be cheaper in the long run. Larger sizes such as drums or totes are usually, less expensive, gallon for gallon. Choosing large sizes can also mean buying less often, reduce transportation cost, and help to reduce packaging waste.
  • An ounce of prevention... If you can prevent stains from setting in by taking care of them right away, you’ll reduce the need for tough specialty cleaners, which are often relatively expensive, more toxic, and harmful to surfaces. Or better yet, try to prevent stains from happening in the first place.

BioClean Technologies adheres to the strictest standards for being green and its eco-friendly, biodegradable, non-toxic cleaners and degreasers are consistent with the EPA Design for the Environment (DfE) and CleanGredient with its newest industrial cleaning products: Industrial All Purpose Cleaner & Degreaser and its Heavy Oil Degreaser.

BioClean Technologies is an innovator and leader in biomolecular cleaners and degreasers for the industrial and commercial markets. Its range of products include cutting edge nano technology of cleaners, degreasers, and odor eliminators to clean the smallest to the largest of jobs for the industries of parts cleaning, manufacturing, janitorial, food processing and restaurants, automotive, marine, aerospace, defense, governmental, institutional and medical. For more information about BioClean’s product line and domestic and international distribution, please contact BioClean Technologies at 866-499-1157.

Hits: 5538

We at BioClean Technologies have sought after powerful commercial and industrial green cleaners and commercial and industrial degreasers that are eco-friendly and uncompromising in their ability to clean thoroughly. Our chemists are committed to thorough research and innovation to bring to the market advanced formulas for a better tomorrow. We accomplish this by providing advanced biochemical research and analysis, biological research and analysis, biochemical assays design and development, and bacteriological analysis.


Biochemical Research & Analysis

Biochemical research studies the way chemical procedures react with living organisms. Under the microscope, we assess the chemical structure of organisms. Molecular diagnostics and analysis drives the research for BioClean’s chemists to effectively construct formulas for our clients and a variety of cleaning solutions.


Biological Research & Analysis

In our laboratories, we conduct studies to evaluate our scientific theories of how organisms interrelate and their complex interactions. Through experiments, our scientists discover the biological relationships present in living matter. By understanding organisms, we can derive uses for these organisms other than their original form without stripping the essential elements. We strive to give our customers effective analysis so they can make sound business decisions.


Biochemical Design & Development

We decompose organisms’ basic chemical composition to quantitatively measure and qualitatively determine the amount of material needed to derive effective cleaning properties. Starting at this baseline, we then tediously arrange compounds optimized to clean and degrease surfaces.


Bacteriological Analysis

By examining bacteria, we can determine methods of eliminating it through counteractive chemicals. Bacteria genetics can unlock the key to cleaning solutions. Our cleaning chemical formulas are produced after carefully understanding the properties of bacteria and their surrounding compounds. By dramatically reducing the amount of deadly bacteria on surfaces, the spread of illness and disease can in turn decrease.

Hits: 3344

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BioClean Technologies specializes in producing technical, bio-molecular scientific research and engineering services for biodegradable industrial cleaning products to include commercial, industrial, and retail.

BioClean Technologies researches, designs, analyzes, develops, tests, engineers, and manufactures non-toxic, environmentally safe cleaners, degreasers, and specialty chemical products that are derived from renewable, bio-based resources for a broad range of commercial, retail, and industrial applications. Our services provide scientific, engineering, and manufacturing consultations for cleaning products that are eco-friendly containing no VOC’s and operate with a normal pH so they’re harmless to humans, animals, and the environment. They are easy to use, handle and dispose of.

Chemical Engineering

At BioClean, our scientists using biochemistry and mathematics transform natural elements to produce more efficient cleaning and product applications. Our chemists’ responsibilities include idea conception and process design with the goal of production. In particular, we research how elements present in plants and other natural sources can be broken down to the nano level, decomposed or reformulated to effectively produce cleaning and biodegradable products that our clients come to rely upon.

Chemical Laboratories

Our scientists perform experiments and test hypothesis in controlled laboratories. These controlled environments are monitored to account for certain safety precautions. These facilities are supplied with state-of-the art testing equipment, natural chemicals, natural elements, and resources to assist our chemists in producing innovative formulations and product proposals for cleaning solutions. Using analytical equipment, our chemists test and prove these theories extrapolating valuable information about the biochemistry of organisms and natural resources.

Chemical Research & Analysis

Our BioClean chemists undergo the study andexamination of elements in their base form and test possible applications and solutions to modern day cleaning. In our laboratories, we break apart and examine the elements of substances and how they coincide as a whole. Our analytical equipment enables our chemists to resolve a variety of tasks involving the qualitative and quantitative properties of different composition samples and provide ideas for possible product and service outcomes.

Formula Restructuring Practices

Reagents are substances that induce a chemical reaction when added to an organized system. By understanding the properties of these chemicals, we have altered formulas and have established ourselves as an innovative leader in producing green cleaning solutions.

Innovative Chemical Production Methods, Test, and Development

Our chemists employ various production methods to test new and innovative chemical formulations to determine which formulations outperform or function for certain targeted results. BioClean is continually experimenting and dissecting chemical theories. In doing so, we pride ourselves in creating cutting-edge formulas. Most of our competitors are still using formulas are 40 years old. Welcome to your green cleaning solution that is using the latest technology. Just like your lifestyle, we keep innovating. Shouldn’t your cleaning solution too?

Hits: 3183
Our Address:
30262 Crown Valley Parkway,
Suite B518 Laguna Niguel,
CA 92677
(+1) 866 - 499 - 1157

Who We Are

BioClean Technologies originated to provide powerful cleaners and degreasers while being eco-friendly. We do not believe in compromising performance or health for cleanliness. BioClean Technologies' products are 100% eco-friendly cleaners and degreasers with perfect ratings of zero for the Safety Data Sheet ("SDS") Hazard Rating categories of Health, Fire, and Reactivity.

History of the products

These miraculous cleaning molecules were originally developed to cleanup oil spills in a biodegradable way. Many cleaning products using this technology have been developed through the years but their formulas and technology have stagnated as well. BioClean's commitment is to produce cleaning products with the latest advancements in this scientific field. Our research continues and our products reflect the latest developments in bio based, eco-friendly cleaning agents. We develop BioClean high-performing products to replace traditional. Try any of our products and you will realize that benefits of using superior performance, eco-friendly products are here, today.